Friday, 16 May 2008

CTP Notes 31st January

CB, SB, LP, JL and VM presented “What is e-learning and blended learning?” Liz accessed the outstanding BBC website e-learning facility on the Smartboard©.

JH, JB, LR, WJ and NK presented “Advantages of e-learning.”

SG, DM, JB and CG presented “Disadvantages of e-learning.”

Transfer of learning was what we covered last week. E-learning has one strength as all of the results are recorded as evidence. H & S, PC skills are 2 topics that lend themselves to e-learning.

“It’s all down to the organisation’s needs and resources.”

Now we concentrate on the bits that will contribute to the assignment 2.

We need to do a learning needs assessment. “We’re getting away from the word “training” in favour of “learning” now.

Learning Needs Analysis – role rather than individual

Skills – competency-based

Then assess the individual and find the gap(s) in their ability.

How would we assess our own Learning Needs?
1. Job Description
2. Managers’ feedback
3. Annual Appraisal
4. Self-assessment / psychometric testing
5. Key Performance Indicators – results of training
6. Networking / comparing with peers
7. Awareness of industry / technology used in field
8. Legal, employment standards / Qualifications
9. Business Strategy
10. Mistakes

7.55pm CB put on projector CG “stonking performance”

From PP slide
¨ Appraisal
¨ Performance data
¨ Observation
¨ Interviews
We should consider these means for our AssignmentQuestionnaires
¨ Work sample tests
¨ Diaries
¨ Devised situations, ie role plays
¨ Peer / manager diagnostic ratings
¨ Development centres
(like assessment centres, but no job at the end)
¨ Self-assessment
¨ Psychometric tests

SB emailing CB Moodle info. SB..?

JP very disconcerted that we didn’t seem to remember what we’d covered on the 10th Jan about organisational needs.

Today we’re taking up from where we were before Christmas, Levels of need analysis. We will also have 1-2-1s to discuss proposals and date of workshops which will be marked assignments 2 and 3.

Job / Group

Boydell & Leary handout 1”

Organisations have Business Strategy – for example Uxbridge College is having an Ofsted Inspection. Its Business Strategy may be to gain a Grade 2 which is a promotion from a Grade 3.

Job needs will bring about the testing for the individual.

The assessment for our peer needs to have evidence of job analysis.

PP slide
Job Analysis
“The process of collecting, analysing and setting out information about the contents of jobs in order to provide the basis for a job description and data for recruitment, training and performance management”

“How do you find out what a Tesco’s cashier is supposed to do?”

Speak to manager, observe…

A Job analysis should come first, then the job description can be designed.

What information should you obtain from a job analysis?

What type of information do you want to find out?
¨ Contect and activities of the job
¨ The output(s) of the job
¨ The skills, knowledge and attributes required for the job
¨ How the job is performed

- What should they be doing?

Individual needs not a concern until that person is monitored for themselves.

Assignment 2
Stage 1 – For your 2 peers you are to do a job analysis. This will find out what they are supposed to do.
Stage 2 – Assessing whether they have the skills to do the job – individual needs analysis.

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