Friday 16 May 2008

What did we do last week? On and off the job learning and diversity and equality issues.

Next week we’ll be looking at the stuff that’s relevant for assignment 2.
Learner related Factors

In pairs (CB + CG) explored “what sorts of learner related factors might a trainer need to be aware of? Our answers…

Language barriers
Shifts / time available
Cultural factors
Age (age specific jobs and the awareness that different ages learn differently)
Appropriate content
IQ / expectations / willingness to participate
Experience CG tried to read out 2 of these and got told off!

PP Slide
§ Experience and current expertise of the learner
§ Learning styles – (OCD is a disability)
§ Age factor
§ Size of group
§ Motivation
§ Transfer of learning

Transfer of Learning
The positive improvement of knowledge or skills as a result of a learning activity.

“what factors impact on the transfer of learning?” Our answers…

1. Relationship of learner with trainer
2. Practise of performing that particular skill within the session
3. Time
4. Support from manager / colleagues
5. Quality of training
6. Environment
7. Opportunity
8. Motivation
9. Expectation to deliver
10. Duration of course insufficient

PP Slide “what factors impact on the transfer of learning?” THE answers…
§ Trainee characteristics
§ Training design
§ Support in the workplace
§ Opportunity to use in the workplace

What methods could be used to encourage the transfer of learning?

1. Comprehensive handouts
2. Delegates write their own objectives first
3. Encouraging feedback from delegates’ manager
4. Stress the importance of transfer
5. Clear and relevant course content
6. Incorporate into appraisal format
7. Financial reward
8. Certification / recognition
9. Make it interesting / fun
10. Accountability – actually using it in real life
11. Trainee becomes the expert and trains others who didn’t attend
12. Contextualisation
13. Post course – followup work
14. Targets (“Fargets?” – Natalie danced and fought with the “smart(!) board”

You are the training manager at a hotel. You have conducted training needs analysis and have found out that all staff waiters in the restaurant have no knowledge of food hygiene. 3 out of 10 waiters have very poor customer service skills and complaints have been made.

Q. How are you going to deal with the situation?

A. Buddy up competent waiters with incompetent waiters, organise food hygiene course without disrupting service, conduct customer service training inhouse, arrange responses to complainants (though not training’s job), assess food hygiene competence with skills, inform those involved that mystery shopping will be employed, performance management.

The Training Continuum
Model A
Traditional taught courses

Model B
Open University Model (some interaction with peers and lecturers)

Model C
Web-based Model (no interaction with peers and lecturers)

For Learner
Danger of misinterpretation
Cultural issues should not be a problem

No peer pressure
No positive peer influence
Family commitments / disability not a deterrent
Limited access to technology / resources / PCs
Choice of courses

For Organisation
Official qualification
Transfer of learning
Jealousy / bitterness of those left out
Staff retention
Access to PCs

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