Friday, 16 May 2008

CTP Notes 17th January

Learning Opportunities
· On the job (informal)
· Off the job (formal)

“we’re leaving individual needs analysis for next time.”

Split into 2 groups of 3
Liz, Dimple and Natalie looking at the pros and cons of On the Job Training
Chris, Julie and Sharon looking at the pros and cons of Off the Job Training

Event – Off the Job
One message sent to several / lots of receivers
Time limits, not all learners would respond to that kind of environment

Team Building
Opportunity for bonding outside the usual location / working time
Cost, time, outcomes may not be determinable

Academic ie. CIPD
Formal qualification, chance to meet peers
Cost, time, schedule may be inflexible

Conferences / seminars
One message sent to several / lots of receivers, networking opps

Location may not be accesible, content may not be apt
Knowledge sharing
More specific
Other groups may miss out on this info.

Opportunity to be in a different environment, skill transferance
Potential for disruption in the original workplace

Event – On the job
Happening “live”
Not instructor led

Happening “live”
Open to misinterpretation

Happening “live”
Open to misinterpretation
Desk research (net, etc.)
Wide (unlimited?) source of information

Time constraints
Professional / coaching or mentor
Specific to that trainee
Too low??

Specific to that trainee
Lack of 2 way flow of information

Seminars / Conferences
Face to face

Focus Groups
Fresh networks
Team meetings
Lack of structure

The group made the point that there was seldom a record of this kind of learning – ie training records. They should be recorded.

PP slide Evaluate each method in terms of
· Diversity
· Equality of access for all employees

Diversity (ability)
Equality (language, religion)
Not for shiftworkers
Not for those with physical impairments in a location without provision
Team Building
Out of hours may not be able to attend
Physical issues, culture
Academic ie. CIPD
Not every learner is academically inclined
(i.e. Natalie – joke!)
Language constraints
Conferences / seminars

Childcare commitments
Knowledge sharing


There may be issues with all of the above in terms of allowing for diversity and equality, I.e the fact that muslim females cannot be in an enclosed space with a male. Special dispensations may need to be considered and put in place to ensure that there could be no cause for complaint and the session would run smoothly.

Training Needs Analysis states that waiters have no food hygiene knowledge. 3/10 of the waiters have poor customer service skills and complaints have been made. What now?

Book up basic food hygiene course. This must not interfere with the normal working of the restaurant hours. One course for them all? Two sessions? For the customer service those who were found wanting could buddy up with those who were not.

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