Friday, 16 May 2008

CTP Notes 24th April

This is the start of the 4th Module – Delivering Training & Evalutaion

Identify the knowledge and skills you feel you have learnt as a result of the designing training module, including your skills asessment.

Present your information to the group in a 10 minute presentation.

Group 1 – Jane H, CB, Laura and Sharon did 3 vignettes of good and bad practice 1. Signposting and introduction, 2. Lecturing versus getting people doing something and 3. Inter versus intrapersonal interaction.

Group 2 – Wendy’s group discussed a topic they had each benefited from and we did the exercise about the % retention following different types of delivery. We all got it right!

Group 3 – “in which module did we cover..?” The delegates moved to different parts of the room to indicate their “vote”. Definitely Julie’s group!
Tuckman’s group formation theory (1965) handout

Can’t remember who discussed this at the front of the group but it was especially well dealt with. The point being that not every group reached the utopia of performing, ala Manchester United. Most teams move between forming and storming and every time personnel within a team changes the team reverts to Forming again. Every session and every group moves through these stages.

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